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Påverkar bränsleskatter utsläppen av CO2 från luftfarten? Läs vad Eurocontrol anser

02 January 2021

Eurocontrols tankesmedja har under hösten år 2020 presenterat en intressant rapport bl.a. om eventuella bränsleskatter och dess påverkan på den tunga luftfartens utsläpp av co2. Dess slutsatser framgår enligt nedan och frågan uppkommer om paralleller dras vad gäller företags- och firmaflyg? Rapporten återfinns som pdf längst upp till höger.

Main findings

1. While passenger numbers increased by 40%

between 2009 and 2017, CO2 emissions only

increased by 15%, and noise levels remained stable.

2. There is little evidence that taxing aviation per se

leads to lower CO2 emissions; nor do raising fuel

prices or ticket prices reduce CO2 emissions.

3. Economic output is the main factor influencing

demand, and hence higher or lower CO2 emissions.

4. Long-distance air traffic dominates aviation

emissions, drives their evolution, and hence must

be targeted if a reduction in CO2 emissions is to be


5. Decarbonisation measures should be strongly supported

with substantial funding over the next 30

years, especially in relation to long-distance flying.

6. If a European tax to reduce aviation’s CO2 emissions

were to be introduced, it should be ring-fenced to

support decarbonisation measures for aviation.

7. To ensure long-term competitiveness in aviation,

Europe should encourage the delivery of global

aviation decarbonisation solutions.

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